We specialise in sheet metal technology!
We provide you with the entire service chain under one roof – from the idea to the finished product.

Our development work aims to improve quality and increase competitiveness
We work tirelessly to improve the productivity, competitiveness, cost efficiency and quality of sheet metal technology. Streamlining the manufacturing process can lead to significant cost savings and improvements in product quality.
Design is the key to a cost-effective end result of high-quality
We invest in quality right from product development: when a product is carefully designed, its production is straightforward and the end result is of high quality. We obtain highly accurate measurement documents to support product development, design, production and quality assurance with 3D laser scanning.
Accurate and cost-effective sheet metal cutting
We perform sheet metal cutting both mechanically and with a laser, which allows us to achieve the most accurate and cost-effective result possible. We are able to produce shapes, threads and small bends in the sheet metal during cutting.
4. Taivutus
Bending according to the design
We can bend even thicker sheets or beams into the desired shape. Our bending capacity starts at 20 tonnes and goes up to 400 tonnes. The maximum bending length for the pieces we process is 4,000 mm.
Deep drawing offers better execution of shapes without making the material thicker
As production volumes increase, it is flexible to switch to deep drawing, which is suitable for large production batches. This keeps the cost of an individual part at its lowest. The deep drawing method offers a wide range of possibilities for creating shapes in larger production runs. Structures that improve product rigidity can be created without increasing the material’s thickness.
6. Hitsaus
Welding with modern equipment ensures a uniform end result
Our welding shop produces high-quality results. We use modern equipment for both robot and manual welding, which guarantees a uniform result in a cost-effective manner. The welding is carried out in accordance with the quality requirements set in the standard SFS-EN ISO 3834-2.
Surface treatment with modern methods speeds up the process
We put the finishing touches to our customer’s products in our own paint shop. For surface pre-treatment, we use the modern Bonderite NT-1 nanoceramic coating. Our automated powder coating line processes items efficiently. With a single mounting, the item goes through pre-cleaning, degreasing, drying and powdering to the furnace, after which the item is ready for assembly or delivery to the customer.
8. Kokoonpano
Assembly finishes the product for use
We deliver the products fully assembled. In addition to mechanical assembly, we connect all pneumatic, hydraulic and electric components. We also test the performance of the products.